Wednesday, 16 September 2015


First, I found this picture on Google Images for the first pictogram (and every pictogram is the same, they all come from Google Images). Note:The process is almost the same for every pictogram.

I then used Elipses tool to recreate the pictogram heads.

 And used pen tools to recreate the pictogram bodies after filling them.

I then recreated the boxes.

Here's the outline.

I then exported it to JPG.

On to the second one. Here's the original picture.
I then traced the head.

I then traced the back tire.

I then traced the legs.

I then traced the body and the front tire.

Here's the outline for the tracing.

And then I exported it to JPG.
And here is the process for the 3rd pictogram. Here's the original picture.

First, I traced the wheelchair.
I then traced the body.

Here's the outline.

I then exported it to JPG.

Here's the 4th pictogram. Here's the original picture.

First, I traced the head.

Then, I traced the body.

After merging, here's the outline.

And this is when exported to JPG.

On the 5th pictogram, here's the original picture.
First, I traced the head.

Then, I traced the legs.

The, I traced the arms, and merged the pictogram.

Here's the outline.

And this is the pictogram exported to JPG.

This is the 6th pictogram's original picture.

First, I traced the head.

Then, I traced the line.

Then, I traced the box.

Then, I traced the legs.

Then, I traced the body and merged everything.

Here's the outline.

Here's the pictogram after being exported to JPG.

Here's the original picture for the 7th pictogram.

First, I traced the cigarette.

The, I traced the smoke.

And then I traced the circle and merged the tracing.

Here's the outline.

And here's the pictogram exported into JPG.

Here's the original picture for the 8th pictogram.

First, I traced the cape.

The, I traced the logo.

Then, I traced the body.

Then, I traced the head and merged the pictogram with the pathfinder.

Then I exported it to JPG.

Here's the original pic for the 9th pictogram.
I first traced the head.

Then, I traced the body.

I then traced the paper.

I then traced the garbage bin and merged the other parts.

This is the outline.

And this is the pictogram exported to JPG.

Here's the original pic for the 10th and final pictogram.

First, I traced the body with rounded rectangle tool.

Then, I traced the cup holder with Elipses tool.

I then used Elipses tool to trace the smoke.

Thyen, I traced the box and merged the other parts.

This is the outline.

And this is the final product exported to JPG.

And with that, I finish the pictogram project.

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